Le Vide Grenier à l’Americaine : Garage Sales!

Sorties/Bon Plans

In the US, we have a little something called a garage sale. You may know it as a vide-grenier and it’s the best way to get rid of old clothes, dishes, etc. I even have a few friends who scour garage sales to find hidden treasures that they’ll then refurbish or resell. If you want to do your own garage sale you need to get a permit from the city of Chicago. Its easy and quick but you need to get one. When you’re ready, just do the garage sale outside your house or apartment and ‘go to town’ as we say. Or you can search online for existing garage sales and attend one, finding cheap goods and awesome, often strange trinkets for family back in France. Really, anything goes at a garage sale so sell whatever people will buy and have fun!For a listing of local garage sales visit neighborhood association websites or just google local garage sales by you.

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Ajouté par admin, vendredi 13 mars 2015